Pet Supplies Plus dallas

Adoption Event at Pet Supplies Plus! - Dallas Dog

Average pay is $44K per year for those with five to nine years of experience. Those with one to four years of experience at the company can expect to make $34K annually on average. Broken down by tenure, the largest share of Pet Supplies Plus employees (38 percent) have 10-19 years of experience and earn approximately $44K per year on average.


The highest paychecks go to Retail Store Managers, who earn an average around $44K annually, closely trailed by Retail Store Assistant Managers (about $36K) per year.


Within the company, workers earn the highest salaries (an average of $60K annually) in Indiana.

Certifications and Degrees

The highest-paying degree here is an Associate of Applied Science (AAS); Pet Supplies Plus awards $46K to these degree-holders.


In this role, the best-paying skill appears to be Operations Management; individuals who claim it among their capabilities enjoy a higher median salary of about $48K per year. A garden variety skill at Pet Supplies Plus is Customer Service; the larger part of Pet Supplies Plus' people use it regularly. Three more common skills are Leadership, Retail, and Training.

Benefits and Perks

For employees looking to save up for their golden years, Pet Supplies Plus provides an optional 401(k) plan, and a majority of workers participate. Pet Supplies Plus provides health insurance to the larger part of workers, and approximately half of workers do receive dental coverage. Perks also include a casual working environment and 401(a).

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